Categories for Buyers

A Tale of 2 Markets (sub-markets)

      The Takeaway Market activity within a specified region can vary greatly, depending upon the sub-market type. As an example, there may be enormous demand for Single Family dwellings within a specific zip code,  causing them to sell very quickly and prices to rise.  On the other hand, that same ...

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Mortgage or Marriage…..Which One Do You Think Is In The Lead??

The most recent Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers, as published by the National Association of REALTORS® found that once again married couples dominated the first-time Homebuyer category. As a matter of fact, statistically they made up 57% of all buyers in 2017. This higher percentage of home buying is likely due ...

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Tax Reform and Housing: A Quick Look

Disclaimer: This guide is not meant to be a resource for tax advice, but instead a quick look at some of the basic information concerning certain aspects of the new tax code and how they may impact the real estate market. Specific tax advice and how the changes may personally ...

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Don’t Make These 10 Huge House-Hunting Mistakes

iStock; realtor . com Tour de Force: Don’t Make These 10 Huge House-Hunting Mistakes by Cathie Ericson | Oct 5, 2017 You’ve been thinking about settling down and buying a home for a while now, and you finally think you’re ready. It’s time to tour some digs! But hold up—you need ...

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